What services do you offer?

Seed Data Systems is a global software and IT services provider in field of  Mobile App Development, Web App Development, Business Applications, Salesforce, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data analytics, UI and UX Design. Seed Data Systems also helps setup managed Global Capacity Centres in India.

How are you different from other Application Development Companies?

  • We have the expertise and aim to deliver cutting-edge technology with a long shelf-life.
  • We have experience of over 15 years working with international clients to deliver optimum results at fair prices and top quality.
  • We focus on different aspects of design to deliver the best user experience by means of the interface.
  • In terms of quality assurance and testing, we aim to test every case possible and remove all possible bugs through rigorous effort and continuous evaluation.

What is your Development Process?

Our Idea to Delivery process consists of four steps also called as 4D model:

  • Define: this step involves collection of requirements, feasibility analysis and estimation of deliverable costs
  • Design: this step entails prototyping and formulation of possible designs of the requested application.
  • Develop:the actual development of the application, which also includes quality assurance and testing of the approved design of the application. It also entails the updates and fixes to the application.
  • Deploy:in this step, the application is deployed onto servers/app stores. This includes post deployment testing and after sales support.

How much time does it take to deliver a project?

It depends on your requirements. At times we have worked on projects running into years divided over phases or small projects like simple websites delivered within few days. The first two steps of Definition and Designing usually lasts for more time and then the rest of the duration is taken up by Development and Deployment including testing.

What channels do you use for communication with clients?

We make use of several communication channels to deliver client projects which include Slack, Email, Skype and our own internal systems.

What do you charge for a typical project?

We provide cost estimates for all clients, free of charge. For new projects, estimated costs for clients lie between USD 5,000 to USD 20,000 per month for the services offered. Billing is usually done bi-weekly or monthly. Again this depends on engagement model you select and number of resources to be allocated. We are accounting for all the four steps of the project development. Typically an average application costs about an average of $20,000 for a single platform [iOS, Android, Web etc] for about 6 months of development work. Prices may vary with complexity of the design and development associated with each project.

At the end of the project, all source code and project related files are transferred to the client to maintain the client as the owner of all IP in the application.

After project completion, our services are offered then at a rate of USD 15/hour for ad-hoc updates, or at a rate of USD 15 to USD 25/hour for a mutually agreed upon set number of hours in a 6-month period. Monthly maintenance cost for the average project size is $2000/month subject to requirements.

What do you need from a client to start on a project?

Since requirements vary project to project, we would require anything or everything which helps bring your vision to life. Documents includes such as text outline of features, wireframes, mock-ups or possible pre-existing applications references which have similar functionality. The more documentation and requirements given allows fastening of the estimation process.

Do we give a guarantee publication of the application in the Apple and/or Google app stores?

Unfortunately, we cannot provide a guarantee for approval for the application in the app store as that is at the discretion of the app stores itself. Seed Data Systems has successfully submitted several applications over the course of 15 years. We have a good expertise, understanding and insight as to what are the elements of a good application and will provide warnings if there are any particular specifics which may serve as hinderance in the approval process. In previous cases of any instance of the app being rejected for publication due to legal or business issues, we have appealed all of these cases at no charge for the client. In case of rejection due to technical reasons, we will work towards making all the necessary corrections to obtain approval with no extra charge.

Do you provide for Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) before we share app idea?

Yes, we understand that each idea is unique and thus are committed to sign NDA before initiating discussions.